Refund policy
30 Day Moneyback Guarantee Policy For Mentorship & Study Materials
UPDATED: 2/15/2025
If you take action and follow my mentorship methodology and complete our study materials, you WILL boost your CPA exam scores by gaining a strong understanding of the fundamental CPA Exam concepts you need to know to pass.
There is 100% certainty that if you take NO action, you get NO results.
If you dig into the study materials of Kesler CPA Review and complete the modules of the Kesler CPA mentorship course within the first thirty (30) days of purchasing this subscription, and they fail to meet your expectations, you can request, in writing, a full refund.
When you take action and do the WORK, you WILL get results.
If that’s not true for you, you get 100% of your money back.
4) If you are eligible then a new voucher will be sent to you and your current section’s access will be removed.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund within the first thirty (30) days of your first payment, applicable for first-time customers only.
NOTE: Returning customers will not qualify for a 30-day moneyback guarantee.
Under the terms of this agreement, if you request a refund and it is honored, your subscription will be canceled and your first payment will be refunded and you will lose access immediately to all Kesler CPA Review study materials and access to Kesler CPA mentorship platform.
Refund requests submitted to support(@) within thirty (30) days of purchase will be honored in full. Requests made outside that timeframe will not be eligible for a refund.
Important note: If a dispute is filed via Stripe, PayPal or your credit card company before contacting the support email address above, the dispute must first be settled before refunds are made, which will likely lead to a delay in receiving any refund monies due.
For more details check out the footer of this page for links to our Kesler CPA Review terms & conditions, refund policy and privacy policy
Subscription Cancellation Policy
Lifetime Access Policy
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