Free Trial – KeslerCards Sample
Finally… Flashcards That Work
Introducing KeslerCards. There is nothing worse than BORING Flashcards.
This is why we invented 4 NEW types of flashcards designed to fully test your understanding of the material.
1) CalcCards: Mini-Task-Based Simulations style flashcards with complete calculations
2) SimCards: MCQs with the multiple guess options removed
3) GemCards: Definitions you NEED to know
4) CreateCards: Use our unlimited flashcard generator to make your own study materials
Sample Kesler CALC Card
What makes Task-Based simulations so difficult is that for the calculation questions, you typically aren’t given multiple guesses.
You either know the answer, or you don’t.
This is why we invented CALC Cards to give you a NEW way to test your understanding and prep you for TBS.
Try a few for yourself below!
Sample Kesler SIM Card
Similar to CALC cards, SIM Cards prep you for word problem focused Task-Based Simulations.
These flashcards are word problems with the multiple guesses removed.
Try a couple for yourself!
Kesler CREATE Card Demo
CREATE Cards are going to be a game-changer for you.
With the Unlimited KeslerCard generator you can capture all of your “Ah-Ha” moments in real-time!
Whenever you are studying, just keep Kesler CPA Review open in a tab and as you have lightbulb moments, throw them into a CREATE Card to refresh yourself with later.
It’s the ultimate way to beat the curve of forgetting.
Check out the demo video to see how easy this will be for you to use: