Free Trial – How To Pass


The Kesler Method To Passing

The Proven System For Achieving The Atomic Effect & Passing The CPA Exam Fast

[Time] + [CPA Review Course] + [Mentor] = [Atomic Effect]

Hey Future CPA! Welcome to your free trial of Kesler CPA Review.

Before we dive into our sample practice quizzes, flashcards, and Learn ‘N GO lectures, I want to teach you HOW to pass the CPA exam first.

If you’re a busy accounting professional who wants to pass the CPA exam as quickly as possible or has maybe failed a section or two and doesn’t know where to turn……

then I want to introduce you to the Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method (now known as the Kesler Method)

.It’s the guiding philosophy behind the design of the Kesler CPA Review learning platform.

This method helps you craft the Perfect Study Plan to follow.

In order to achieve a Perfect Grasp of the AICPA blueprints.

While receiving the Perfect Support from the key resources in your life to keep you going no matter what happens on your journey to passing the CPA exam.

Want to achieve all of this?

Watch the six videos below to get started learning how (when utilized properly) your time + CPA review course + your CPA exam mentor can work together to help you achieve “The Atomic Effect” on your journey to passing the CPA exam…

Table Of Contents

  • Chapter 1: [ Time ]
  • Chapter 2: [CPA Review Course]
  • Chapter 3: [ Mentor ]
  • Chapter 4: Perfect Plan, Grasp & Support
  • Chapter 5: [ Atomic Effect ]
  • Next Steps: Sample Mentorship
  • Next Steps: Start A Practice Quiz
  • Next Steps: Sample 204 KeslerCards

Getting Started

[ Want to read instead? Click here to download the Kesler Method guide PDF ]

Chapter 1: [ TIME ]

How A CPA Exam Mentor Helps You Make Time To Study

And Helps You Avoid Becoming A Jerk-A-Saurus

Time is your most valuable resource as a CPA candidate, and you need to understand how to maximize every second of your day. If you don’t, then you risk isolating the people in your life and your career. This is why you need a CPA exam mentor to help you tailor how you structure your time to avoid burnout and ensure you are putting in the time you need to pass.

In terms of the CPA exam, this can be broken down into four components:

1) Sacrifices
2) Goals
3) Distractions
4) Relationships


When these four components are not locked in, you risk alienating the people you love, failing your career, and also failing the CPA exam.

Sacrifices are a necessity if you ever hope to pass the CPA Exam. You must determine in your life what’s less critical and more important than becoming a CPA and determine what you can temporarily cut out of your life.

Goals need to be set daily so that you can methodically get through everything you need to study on a day-to-day basis. Without setting simple goals for yourself, you will get overwhelmed.

Distractions are typically the CPA candidate’s worst enemy, but you can also use your favorite distractions as rewards for achieving study goals. Be smart in how you manage your distractions.

Relationships are one of the most important resources you have on your journey to passing the CPA exam. They are your family, friends/acquaintances, and the people you work with. When you manage them correctly, your relationships will be a source of great encouragement and motivation. If you isolate yourself and avoid communication, then you are setting yourself up for burnout and failure.

Chapter 2: [ CPA REVIEW COURSE ]

How A CPA Exam Mentor Helps You Optimize How You Study

So You Don’t Waste Your Time Spinning Your Wheels

Passing the CPA exam without a CPA Review Course is like expecting to beat Usain Bolt at a 100-meter dash at his peak performance without training.

It just can’t be done.

Even if you have a CPA review course, it’s still incredibly difficult to beat the CPA exam.

But when you understand how they work, how you learn and how to maximize your productivity, it will significantly increase your chances of eeking out the PERFECT score of a 75… or higher, for you weirdos who want to over-achieve 🙂

Here are four essential components to maximizing your CPA Review Course:

1) Study Personality
2) Cut Busy Work
3) Understand
4) Review


Personalizing how you use your CPA review course is easier said then done but when you understand exactly what your goals are you can make almost any CPA review course work for you.

Especially when you find a mentor who understands the ends and outs of the course you are using.

Study Personality: Everyone learns differently; that’s why you need to determine your study personality and make the course work for your unique learning style.

Cut Busy Work: CPA Review Course have to cover their butts by providing you the same information presented in multiple different ways to ensure that all CPA candidates are taken care of. It’s on you to cut the busy work from their recommended study plan.

Understand: You need a CPA review course that is going to help you understand the AICPA blueprints which the CPA exam is now based on.

Review: You want a CPA review course that allows you to isolate the exact areas you are struggling so that you know how to spend your time. You don’t want to spend time studying concepts you already understand.

Chapter 3: [ MENTOR ]

How To Find A CPA Exam Mentor Who Can Personally Help You Pass Based On Your Study Personality

So You Can Avoid Trial & Error, Overwhelm, And Lots Of Grey Hairs!

The biggest myth that I believed as a rookie CPA candidate was that a CPA review course was all I needed to pass the CPA exam.

Your CPA review course is the map, but your mentor is going to be your GPS to navigating all the roadblocks, struggles and frustrations you will encounter on your journey.

Mentors come in all different shapes and sizes. You need to understand that some are useless and others are worth more than their weight in gold.

There are 4 components to the perfect CPA exam mentor:

1) Motivation
2) Intensity
3) Study Methods
4) Community


When searching for a mentor ensure that he/she checks all four of these boxes.

Motivation: A mentor would be someone you hire that provides you with real motivation. The best mentors teach from personal experience, so find someone who understands not only how to pass the CPA exam but what it’s like to fail the CPA exam and recover. A mentor who does this will be able to help you set expectations and create a realistic CPA exam mindset for you.

Intensity: An effective mentor is going to push you to your limits. Not because he or she is a glutton for punishment, but because he/she understands exactly what it takes to pass the CPA exam.

Study Methods: A good mentor will be able to look at your current situation and develop a recommended study plan for you and the best study methods for you to implement based on your study personality, and then help you implement with your specific CPA review course.

Community is one of the most important aspects of any CPA candidates journey to passing the CPA exam. If you don’t have community then this can be a very lonely process and you risk falling in depression and giving up if something goes wrong or you lose motivation. A mentor is going to give you the community you need because he/she understands your situation and can help you through it!

Chapter 4: [ How To Pass The CPA Exam ]

With The Time, Mentors & Study Tools You Have

This Is What Happens When You Start Applying The Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method With Kesler CPA Review!

Summary: When you start using Kesler Method, you start discovering that you can tackle this beast of an exam. You find you have a step by step plan to implement and the whole process becomes much less overwhelming.

This is what starts to happen when you have a perfect study plan, that helps you achieve a perfect grasp of the AICPA blueprints with the help of a perfect support system.

For passing the CPA exam this is crucial. It’s the key to actually remembering and grasping what you need to know on exam day. It allows you to perform at peak performance no matter how many hours per week you work to help you consistently achieve massive results on each section of the CPA exam.

…the combined power of these three elements is overwhelming

Something Incredible Happens

It’s Called


Chapter 5: [ The Atomic Effect ]

How To Achieve The Atomic Effect And Unleash An Explosion In Your Scores On Exam Day


When you finally achieve the Atomic Effect, you will be amazed at how easily you are able to organize your life, find the motivation to always be studying, and your ability to actually retain what you are studying

.…and as you unlock your ability to truly study for the CPA exam maximized by your study personality, you begin to release that built-up “energy.”

[ The Atomic Effect ]

When This Happens, The Atomic Effect Begins To Take Over

And you achieve a “chain reaction.”

Not unlike what was discovered in 1944 by Leó Szilárd, a Hungarian scientist who first hypothesized that, under the right circumstances…

An atomic reaction could become self-sustaining and unleash a series of subsequent atomic reactions that create a rapid, exponential increase in energy.

When the Kesler Method helps you achieve The Atomic Effect in your journey to passing the CPA exam, we’re just replicating a natural phenomenon for self-sustaining growth.

And this self-sustaining growth helps us create the three Skills To Passing The CPA Exam.

You grow a faster and better understanding of the AICPA blueprints. You will have the study methods you need to implement in order to be constantly learning but also constantly reviewing everything you have learned up to that point. The end result, you will be able to handle any simulation or multiple choice that the AICPA throws at you.

You grow the ability to compartmentalize your life. When you are studying, you are 100% focused on studying and can shrug off distractions without pause. When around people you care about you are 100% present and not distracted by worry about the CPA exam. When at work you are 100% focused on getting the job done (and nothing else) so that you can get your studying done sooner so you can spend a precious moment with the people you care about most.

You develop the mindset transformation you need to push yourself beyond your limits. Even if you end up failing a section of the CPA exam you won’t panic because you have a plan for it. You will be able to understand that it’s just part of the process and because you are flexible you just roll with the punches no matter what happens. Because you know the truth. You will pass the CPA exam, no matter what it takes.

Simply put, these three Skills have been missing in your plan to pass the CPA exam.

This is what the big box CPA review courses have overlooked and are unable to provide.

And this is what’s going to help you avoid becoming one of the estimated 75-80% of CPA candidates that fail at least once on their journey to passing the CPA exam.

And prepare you to overcome ANY obstacle that comes in the way of you and your CPA license.

Kesler CPA Review is the only support system that has everything you need to achieve the Atomic Effect in one place.

Ready To Achieve The Atomic Effect

Starting Today?

When You Implement The Kesler
Method, It Changes Everything

Just Ask These CPAs

Each Of These Accountants Was Right Where You Are Today

They Had Trouble Figuring Out HOW To Study For The CPA Exam, And Didn’t Have Someone To Hold Their Hand Throughout The Process

Each of them are incredibly sharp accountants and breezed through college.

But each of them committed to bringing their Time, Kesler CPA Review, and my mentorship together and achieved amazing results.

They implemented a proven, repeatable system for starting, studying and passing the CPA exam.

Which enabled them to pass the CPA exam no matter what obstacles they encountered on their journey.

Now, if you want these results, and you want to achieve the Atomic Effect…

…so you can see a massive improvement in your CPA exam results…

…exponentially increase your understanding of the AICPA blueprints…

…regardless of the CPA review course you are using…

Then I want to help you implement KeslerMethod starting today inside of Kesler CPA Review.

There Are 3 Types Of CPA Candidates That I Like Working With


CPA Candidates who are brand new to the entire CPA exam process and want a head start on the process by utilizing a qualified CPA exam mentor.


CPA Candidates who are currently studying for the CPA exam but are feeling lost or overwhelmed and need help to keep their heads above water.


CPA Candidates who have failed the CPA exam, are struggling to recover and are beginning to doubt their abilities to pass this exam.

I’ve helped hundreds of CPA candidates implement the Kesler Method and have perfected the process so you can get the results you need fast.

I believe in transformation, not information.

And that means you have the support you need to transform how you tackle the CPA exam truly. Whether that means completing our online training or receiving 1-on-1 help in our exclusive study group or from our support team…

I’ve Got Your Back

[ What’s Next? ]

So If You Want To Explore Implementing The Kesler Method With Kesler CPA Review…

…use the button below to unlock your invitation to join me & thousands of other motivated candidatesl.

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Each of them are incredibly sharp accountants and breezed through college.

But each of them committed to bringing their Time, Kesler CPA Review, and my mentorship together and achieved amazing results.

They implemented a proven, repeatable system for starting, studying and passing the CPA exam.

Which enabled them to pass the CPA exam no matter what obstacles they encountered on their journey.

Now, if you want these results, and you want to achieve the Atomic Effect…

…so you can see a massive improvement in your CPA exam results…

…exponentially increase your understanding of the AICPA blueprints…

…regardless of the CPA review course you are using…

Then I want to help you implement KeslerMethod starting today inside of Kesler CPA Review.